Russell McGregor, Stehgeige und Dirigent/ leading violin and conductor
Russell McGregor dirigiert Glucks Don Juan, Danza degli Spettri e delle Furie.
Russell McGregor conducting Glucks Don Juan, Danza degli Spettri e delle Furie.
„.....bei meinen Konzerten sind die Menschen glücklich" 
Russell McGregor, geboren in Oxford/England, wuchs in Melbourne/Australien auf und studierte dort Violine. Sein Diplom erhielt er am Victorian College of the Arts.
Seit 1992 lebt Russel McGregor in Wien und ist Mitglied des Wiener Concertvereins und musiziert regelmäßig mit der Camerata Salzburg. Von 1994 - 1996 Konzertmeister der Wiener Kammeroper, seit 1997 Leitung des Schönbrunner Schlossorchesters. Intensive kammermusikalische Tätigkeit mit Tourneen nach Bulgarien, Indonesien, Kanada, Japan, England….
Als überaus erfolgreicher Stehgeiger tritt er mit Johann Strauss Ensemble regelmäßig im In-und Ausland auf und feierte mit diesem sensationelle Erfolge!
Seine charmante Art das Publikum auf seine musikalischen Reisen einzuladen ist legendär.
Russell McGregor wird mit dem Johann Strauss Ensemble neben vielen Konzerten in Österreich immer wieder zu weitern Konzertreisen innerhalb Europas sowie nach Asien, in den Nahen Osten und Australien eingeladen..Russell McGregor spielt eine Violine von Carlo Giuseppe Testore von 1697.
"...In my concerts the audiences will always be entertained!"
Russell McGregor was born in Oxford, England but grew up in Melbourne, Australia where at the age of 7 he began to play the violin and in 1982 received his Diploma of Arts in Music at the Victorian College of the Arts.
In 1992 Russell moved to Vienna, Austria and is
a member of the Wiener Concertverein, Camerata Salzburg and the Vienna Chamber Orchestra. From 1994 - 1996 he was the Concertmaster at the Vienna Chamber Opera, and since 1997 he has been Concertmaster and Conductor with the Schönbrunn Palace Orchestra.
Russell has an intensive chamber-music career and has performed in Bulgaria, Indonesia, Canada, Japan, England and Italy.
As an extremely successful 'stehgeiger' he has now established a wonderful rapport with the Johann Strauss Ensemble and they
appear regularly not only in Austria but throughout the whole world! He not only impresses with his violin virtuosity but
he also charms the audiences as he takes them on a musical journey through the magical music of the Strauss dynasty.
Russell McGregor's individual Strauss interpretation is derived from the style of Mozart, which he has developed by performing with the Camerata
Salzburg. Therefore it is extremely easy to see how his Johann Strauss interpretation can at times mezmorize the audience with a somewhat floating feeling!
Russell McGregor has performed concerts in the Golden Hall of the famous Musikverein in Vienna and has also performed with Luciano Pavarotti, Jose Carreras, Placido Domingo, Dame Kiri Tekanawa and Ildiko Raimondi.
A special highlight for Russell in 2002 was to perform a Strauss concert in the famous opera house in Sydney, Australia. In South America Russell McGregor has performed the music of Strauss in football stadiums to 15 - 20,000 screaming fans. Furthermore he is invited regularly to tour with his string quartet to Iran.
Russell McGregor and the Johann Strauss Ensemble are now highly in demand for concerts in Europe, Asia, Near East and Australia.
Russell McGregor plays on a Carlo Giuseppe Testore violin from 1697.